Ergon Corp
One of our economic sectors of our companies is focused on worrying about innovation and research, in order to deliver value-added products in this sector, for which the investment we make of our resources is focused on developing alternatives and thus overcoming the expectations of this sector.
Production of stone products
Our stone products have been an important part for more than 14 years in the Panamanian market, contributing to the growth of the country’s infrastructure, we have managed to position ourselves with a high level in this sector of the economy.
Construction & Real Estate
Our companies have managed to expand in different countries, to contribute in construction, both in the private and public sectors, we have also managed to have the Real State service in housing sectors, shopping centers, industrial warehouses, etc., satisfying in different markets the needs of multiple clients.
Representation and Distribution for hardware stores
Our companies in this sector have been characterized by maintaining a seriousness with our suppliers, delivering development of new markets, and also we manage to deliver diversity, quality and constant supply of different products to our clients.
Representation and Distribution for construction
Always seeking to deliver greater benefits to our clients in the different markets, we strive in the search for the best quality, variety and economy in the construction sector, thus generating consistency in the relationships of the main construction companies.
Packaging service for the industrial sector
We manufacture packaging elements to deliver technology to international markets, specializing in high industrial consumption packaging.